(800) 330-3233

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Contact Us

Have a question or need assistance regarding your Floraplex Terpenes™ product purchase?

Feel free to reach out to us through our contact form or by giving us a call at +1(800) 330-3233. If you are looking to return your Floraplex Terpenes™ purchase, please review our refund page first. We will get back to you as soon as possible, thank you.

Our products are manufactured in the USA and are shipped from our facility in Michigan.

324 Airport Industrial Dr.
Ypsilanti, MI 48198

Mon-Fri:   9-5 EST
Sat-Sun:   Closed


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Looking to make a purchase?

If you are looking to purchase Floraplex™ terpenes you may do so at either of the following options. Select from isolated terpenes or terpene profile blends. If you are unsure about what terpenes you need for your product send us a message and we will help you out. For more information check out our pages about what terpenes are and how to use terpenes.