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What is Eucalyptol?

Eucalyptol is a popular monoterpenoid best known for its refreshing, minty scent. Its origins are no mystery given its name is incredibly similar to its most abundant, natural source, eucalyptus. That being said, this terpenoid is also abundant in bay leaves, basil, and tea tree leaves. When isolated, Eucalyptol is colorless and has an oily, liquid consistency.
Eucalyptol Terpene Molecule


  • Color: Colorless
  • Consistency: Liquid, oil
  • Odor: Camphor-like
  • Taste: Eucalyptus, bittersweet, cooling
  • Boiling point: 176-177ºC
  • Flash point: 52ºC
  • Solubility: In water, 3500 mg/L at 21ºC
  • Formula: C10H18O
  • Density: 0.9267 g/cm3 20ºC
  • Molecular Weight: 154.253 g/mol


As with any terpene isolate, eucalyptol is highly concentrated and must be diluted before use.

Where to buy Eucalyptol

You can purchase the Eucalyptol isolate from Floraplex in a variety of sizes at extremely competitive prices with free shipping to anywhere in the continental United States on orders over $30.

Looking to purchase terpenes?